Sunday, November 9, 2014

Oh Deer!

My farmer and I have been in high gear, readying the homesteads for an 'Arctic Blast' as warned by the weather people. We have electric heaters plugged in for the waterers and Bruce has been going at the field work to get as much done as he can. I went to the pond to winterize my bee hives and found a problem, they don't have as many winter stores of honey as they should to live over. After doing much research, I decided to bring them home so I can feed them over the winter and try to keep them alive, something the more seasoned bee keepers say isn't possible, but since when has that ever stopped me from trying?

I enlisted Bruce and the loader to bring the hives home Friday night and they are now safely tucked into the McGregor yard. My first attempt at feeding was interesting to say the least.....they didn't seem all that grateful, lets hope it gets better or they will be goners!

We knew there was a set of twin fawns at the pond this summer besides the twins that were raised in the grove at the home place. As we were coming down the road to the driveway, there was a herd of deer right out by the road, all the same size, we concluded that the farm twins ventured over to the pond and met up with their cousins and they were having a high old time. They ran off when we drove in but stuck around to see just what we were up to. And me with no camera!

Despite the threat of the 'arctic blast' it was a beautiful day here, cloudy but still and quite mild, late this afternoon I took the 4-wheeler to the pond, parked it and walked in to see what I could see and I saw twins. Just one set, they ran off but when I followed, they stopped, they are very curious, especially this little girl. (I just think she looks like a girl.)

When I stopped and started taking pictures, she came toward me.....

....when she stopped to nibble, I'd take some steps toward her.

We were getting to be quite good friends.....

.....I'm not sure what she was saying to me but I was thinking it was something like, "I just LOVE your vest, wherever did you get it??"

She was actually playing a little coy, acting like I wasn't even there, I was no threat to her.

But her brother, I think he looks like a boy, wasn't liking it at all and, after watching for awhile, let out a snort to show his disapproval and my friend instantly was on alert and ran off with him.

They have such good camouflage, Gander Mountain got nothing on them, they melt into the trees and brush, I realize this is a small picture but try to find both deer, they are there. 

And then there were these confused geese, they obviously had not been watching the weather because this big flock was heading north at a brisk pace.

Can't you just hear them when they run into snow tomorrow?

"And who's idea was it to let Leroy lead??"

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to take pix of the geese in their 'V' configuration, I'm never fast enough if I'm lucky enough to even have a camera while they fly over for only a few seconds. your picture is the best I've seen and yes, I can just hear them calling out...again, it reminds me of home in Iowa. I hope your bees survive, at least you're doing all you can to try to help them. The twins are cute!! nice pictures of them too.
