Monday, April 6, 2015



Yes, I'm belting out the Hallelujah chorus even though I can't carry a tune in a bushel basket, I had the long, anticipated appointment with Dr. Rao and she told us that my PET scan was CLEAR! I am in remission, that is not cured, I have to go 5 years for that designation but I was delighted to hear those words.

It was only fitting that Janet was with us, her strong faith guided Bruce and I through the first traumatic diagnosis and subsequent treatments before leaving for Texas to enjoy the winter months. She kept in contact, offering up encouragement and her medical knowledge to decipher all the test numbers. Janet was always a calming influence.

So we celebrated with a group hug and then off to the Dairy Queen for a treat, I had earlier disparaged the DQ in Storm Lake and this trip didn't change my mind. They are bunch of sour faced employees, obviously not enjoying their job at all. We should have held out for Cherokee's DQ.

This also doesn't mean I'm free of Dr. appointments but they are fewer, every 6 weeks or so I have to go in and have my port flushed, the love/hate relationship with it will continue while I go on a maintenance program. Every 6 months I will go in one day a week for a month and get a dose of Rituxin, the anti-body, this will be for 2 years and then go from there.

So now I don't have any excuses, no more lazing by the pond, reading the afternoon away.

There is a yard to clean up and a pond to clean out.
There are house windows crying out for a good washing.
The basement is demanding equal time.
We have a horse fence to rebuild. (You notice I add the 'we'.)
There will be calves to care for, poopy pens to clean, gardening, fruit trees and bushes to plant......
WHEW! I might have to go lay by the pond to rest up!

Thank you all for your love, support, well wishes and prayers, I feel very blessed!!


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