Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Marcus Fair happenings

Thursday was the entry day for the Marcus Fair, my friend, Kim, has been planning all summer for her entries, I started Thursday morning.

Can you tell which arrangement in the Dining by Candlelight category is mine??

Our judge is a great gal, Mary, from either Remsen or LeMars who really knows her stuff and tries every year to beat it into our head. She likes things rather simple, coordinated, using only two or three flower colors for an arrangement, I failed miserably.

When she came to the place settings, I entered the Beach Party category, she took in my wild towel, colorful plates, candles and flowers and was at a loss for words.

 "Chaotic?", I suggested helpfully and she burst into laughter and nodded her head. I think she expects us (me) to take this more seriously than we (I) do.

Then she extolled the virtues of Kim's tasteful entry that earned her a blue ribbon, I got the pity second only because there were just two entries.

Kim also wowed Mary and everyone else with her Garden Lady, she was so spectacular that the judge was desperately trying to find another entry that she could even judge her against.

It was plain that she was in a class all by herself and before long she was sporting a huge, purple ribbon.

The best entertainment at the fair this year was The Westernaires, a precision riding group made up of urban and suburban youngsters from 9-19 years of age. They are a non-profit group out of Jefferson County, CO. This organization started 66 years ago with the idea of using horses to develop discipline, social skills, personal confidence and responsibility in these young people. Each rider must maintain regular enrollment in school while a member of the organization. It has been highly successful and they go all over the country doing performances.

This talented young man is demonstrating the art of Roman riding, standing on two horses as they canter around the arena, it is not for the faint of heart.

These girls are riding their horses with no saddles, bridles or reins, just a strap around the neck, they they all took a jump at once with no hands.

Do not try this at home!

This picture is of two Westernaires demonstrating Cossack Riding and switching riders on one horse at a full gallop......

.....and sometimes the horse wins!

This group did two performances at the fair and also rode in the parade. This is their third trip here, mostly due to Nancy Heir, a local resident, who's granddaughter was once a member. The kids love coming to Marcus, when they are thanked for coming, they immediately say, "No, Thank YOU, for having us!"

All good times must come to an end, but not before Kim and I make fools of ourselves while taking over the little kids photo op! I had the hard part, having to nearly lay on the ground to get low enough, then I had to get back up.

Little kids were milling around, pretty disgusted that we were hogging their photo booth.

This is a plug for votes, I entered this photo in the Farm News fair photo contest.

I think it is pretty darned good and there are $300 in prizes on the line. Here is the link if you are so inclined to vote for my picture....

You will have to register because only one vote per account, originally the voting was to commence today, but they weren't getting as many entries as they thought so they have extended the time and voting begins on Sat.

I will admit that I'm up against kids, darned cute kids but don't be swayed!! Vote for justice and liberty, vote for me!!!!

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