Friday, June 12, 2015

Celebration, company coming, cleaning house...

....what do the above have in common??

Well, we all know that, this is the long awaiting 125th birthday of our little town of Cleghorn, the diehard committee has been working and planning for this the last three years. Bruce and I were dragged unwillingly into the planning this winter, Bruce was stuck with a lot of work when they celebrated their centennial and he was rather burnt out. But we kept getting cards and calls to come help and they finally wore us down. Since Bruce has a sound system from his DJ days, he knew that would be his main job and I volunteered to be his sidekick. I also painted a bunch of signs telling people where to go, no, not like that, keep it clean folks!

Bruce went on his annual fishing trip with the Salzwedel boys and his cousin last week, I had 6 whole days to myself to work on the pond, which I was redoing from bottom up and to get the house cleaned from top to bottom for the company we were expecting. It was going to work out great because the first three days he was gone, the weather was to be great. The last three days had rain predicted each day, I would use that to clean house.

Sounds like a plan, right? Well the weather man was wrong and it did not rain until Saturday so I worked on the pond every day, this was no small project. A sneak preview because it's not done yet.

I was so pumped about finishing the pond that I kept working on it everyday, meanwhile my house kept saying, "Clean me, clean me, we have company coming!!!" I kept ignoring that voice because I was having such success in the back yard.

Thursday arrived and I knew I could not put it off any longer, our company was coming on Friday. I have a new great weapon, I purchased a Shark Navigator vacuum cleaner with the pet attachment and absolutely fell in love with it. I never thought I would say this. My Oreck was wearing out and leaking dust back into the air, then I had to get the portable out to do the edges and places too small. With my Shark, it is all contained, I can switch between attachments and watch the dirt and cat hair pile up in the clear chamber, no bags. It's an eye opener for sure!!

Once I got into cleaning, it spurred me on and I went until 7:30 last night before collapsing on the couch with a glass of wine, much earned I might say. I wasn't quite finished so went back to work this morning until I was satisfied. Don't come to my house with a white glove and don't look in the nooks and crannies.

But I invite you to take off your shoes and socks and walk through the house, there will be nothing stuck to your feet!!!!!

(By the way, this is not a paid advertisement from Shark, they don't know about this, just a word from a very satisfied customer.)

1 comment:

  1. We have one of those Navigators too, it replaced our Dyson Animal when it died. I loved the Dyson, but they are expensive. Since vacuums seem to only last so long, I saw an informercial for this and it was rightly priced. Never been sorry I made the switch! It does just as good as the Dyson and the carpet feels wonderful! I have to hardword attachment too to do the hardwood floors, its great!
