Sunday, January 11, 2015

The blizzard!

We had a blizzard last week, it was bad enough to cancel schools, postpone activities around the area, law enforcement was telling people to stay off the roads and not a snow flake fell from the sky. It was all caused by the 6 inches we had previously with winds whipped up to 60 MPH. 

It was nasty, at times we could hardly see the corn crib.

I knew I would be drafted into service to clean snow so Bruce had our trusty Mustang running by the time I got to the farm in the morning.

It was COLD!

"Get a picture of my breath!"

The calves didn't think that was very special.

"See our breath, we can do it out of each nostril."
I mounted the Mustang and began cleaning the bunk, it was level full.

I dumped it on the floor and Bruce pushed it out into the cattle yard....

....uh, see who has the cab with the heater???"

Down at the cow pen, the bulls, Louie and 9100, square off while waiting for their feed.

This is what Bruce does every morning, rain, shine, sleet, snow or blizzard.....

.....he feeds his hungry stock.

And this is what I do every morning, build a fire and have coffee in my pj's, while reading a book on my tablet....'s a dirty job but someone has to do it.

It looks like I need to clean my kitchen.

(I'm going to have to hide my camera where Bruce can't find it.)

1 comment:

  1. look at you, warm and cozy in your lovely kitchen. I liked the pix of the cattle with the frozen breath!! You're lucky you didn't have any snow with your 'polar vortex' of wind and sub zero colds. Stay warm!! oh and Brucie knows his way around your camera, doesn't he? He does a good job!!
