Sunday, September 8, 2013

Scary things in the refrigerator

There are people who wash plastic bags and reuse them.

(I'm guilty)

There are people who save the waxed paper bags out of cereal boxes to use.

(I'm guilty)

There are people who reuse aluminum foil over and over until it's too little for use.

(I'm guilty)

There are people who covet the nice little Ziploc containers that go through the dishwasher and live to hold leftovers another day.

(I'm guilty)

But let that Ziploc container get shoved to the back of the refrigerator with calico beans and hide for a month, nasty things begin to happen, science experiments gone wild, calico beans with hair. No amount of money is worth opening, hurriedly dumping the contents and washing it.

Ask me how I know.