Tuesday, September 17, 2013

RIP Tiger Woods

Today Bruce and I said goodbye to our 16 1/2 year old cat, Tiger Woods. He was born at the farm and I brought him home one day when I saw a tom cat attack his mother while she was carrying him. (That tom cat had a contract put out on him.)

Tiger Woods lived in the house for several years, he was a very vocal cat. He liked to sleep at the end of our bed but if we were very restless, he would march up to the head of the bed and tell us in no uncertain terms that we needed to be still so he could get his beauty sleep!

This is the last picture I have of Tiger Woods, I was getting ready for my 60th birthday garden party and was going to put flowers in this basket on the picnic table.

But a cat is nice too.
Whether it is a human member of the family, a 4 legged furry member or even a 2 legged, pea brained feathered member, it's hard to say goodbye.


  1. Rest in peace Tiger........
    You have my sympathy.

  2. Julie, I'm sorry to learn about Tiger Woods. He was a long time resident of your farm and I heard many stories about him. I remember him in that basket at your party. He had a good life, you are always good to your animals. He will be missed - Rosanne
