Friday, October 28, 2016

3rd day and counting

The internet here at the hospital is come and go, I haven't been able to get on since yesterday this morning so take advantage when I can. They are really pumping it to me, I fluxuate between not feeling well and being very hungry. I ordered a big breakfast and some extras that go in the mini fridge for later like yogurt. Yesterday I mangaged to dump my yogurt, just opened, on the floor, I will be more careful today.

Sue can yesterday and had stayed most of the day, having lunch with me and doing laps in the halls. Since I was unemcumbered with the IV pole it was easy, now I have to drag it around where ever I go and that is a drag. It was grand central station early yesterday, people popping in and out. Dr. Lunning was in and said I could go home tonight after my infustions are done and Sue said she would stay with her sister Thursday and take me back to SC for Bruce to pick up. Bruce and Grassy are combineing corn so that was good news to him. After work Kim came up and then Stacy stopped in so the day went fast. I wish the nights went as fast, perhaps it's time to take my pole for a walk.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you care coming home tonight, honey.....we love you!! CG and Tom
