Friday, July 17, 2015

The Good, the Bad, and the Bugly.

The Good. 

I had my carpal tunnel surgery done on Tuesday and I'm already sleeping better. 

Bruce had another fishing trip planned and decided to sell the fat cattle so I didn't have to do chores one handed. 

Thursday morning he had his good buddy, Grassy, help him load cattle, it was going to take two trips. 

I got to sleep in. 

The Bad. 

I got to sleep in until 7:15 when the phone rang. 

"We've got trouble," were the first words out of Bruce's mouth, " the walk in door on the trailer did not get closed and when we got up here, we only had seven head of cattle." They loaded nine this time. "Would I please go over to the farm and see if I could find them?" 

The Good.

On the way to the farm, riding the four wheeler, I could see two steers across the pasture fence from the herd. I left the four wheeler and walked through the wet beans, praying that they would go willingly back to the barn. My prayers were answered, one went into an open pen, where I quickly shut the gate. 

The Bad. 

The other steer spooked when his partner in crime was locked up and raced back to the pasture. I could see there was no way he was going to go willingly, and frankly, knowing where he was going, I didn't blame him. 

The Good. 

I drove back to the house to call Bruce and tell him all was well, which he was very relieved to hear. If the cattle had gotten into the corn field, we would never have found them. He said they were home, parked by the bins, so I drove back over to help with the roundup. Bruce decided to just turn him out into the pasture with the rest of the cattle because it would be nearly impossible to drive him back to the barn and we might lose him in the cornfield. Besides there were 10 left if the barn and that would fill up the trailer. He was able to get the gate open and it took very little encouragement for the steer to join the herd. The last we saw of him, he was running alongside some cows kicking up his heels, "Yippee!"  

Back at the barn, I double checked that the side door was locked while Bruce and Grassy loaded the last of the fat cattle and drove to Sheldon. I packed the cooler and cooked some dinner while Bruce showered and packed his suitcase. Shortly after noon the red pickup was headed north to Minnesota where he would meet up with his brother in law, John. John sent me this picture of Bruce out on the water. 

The Bugly.

Zoe and I spent the afternoon snoozing in the gazebo, we had 1 1/2" of rain early Thursday morning so I decided to pump water from my big rain barrel into my holding barrels to make room for more water as rain was predicted. I saw this little critter on the rain barrel.

It is an immature lady beetle, they look like a little red and black alligator.

She crawled around on my bandaged hand while I tried to get pictures, she really struggled on the cotton gauze so I finally let her go. I don't see them very often as they are so tiny so if you see one, don't squash it.

The Really Good.

I saw my oncologist, Dr. Rao, last week and she declared me "Very Healthy!" I will begin two years of maintenance treatment on Sept 10 and will be able to do the first one in Cherokee. So that made my day. It's a beautiful morning on the farm and Zoe and I are headed to the gazebo with our iced coffee, well, she isn't getting any, she's too little. I hope you are all having a great day too.

The Good!

I came in to find this picture from Jean of her hubby, John, with a nice bass!

Well done, well done!


  1. So glad to hear of the updated medical news. Just think, this all started about a year ago...what a wonderful response; you/we are so lucky! We are blessed, to be sure.
