Finally, after several months of hard work, well, that might be a wee exaggeration, several weeks of hard work, Saturday dawned with a sudden thunderstorm. I was ecstatic, that meant I did not have to drag the hose around and water all the pots!! Instead I indulged in a leisurely cup of iced coffee with International Delight York Peppermint Patty creamer, YUM!! Starbucks got nothing on me!!
I strolled around to see if there were any last minute changes then fed the animals. Bruce made quick work of his chores, changed clothes and was ready to attend to his parking duties. There was a bit of drama when I discovered Lacey was colicking, she's 29 years old and living on borrowed time. A call to the vet and then she had to be walked so she wouldn't lay down and roll, that can result in a twisted intestine and a painful death. By that time Rosanne, Peter and Kaiza had arrived so Rosanne offered to do the walking. She pooped before the vet got there, a good sign that things were moving and twice more after that. Bruce's duties included being a pooper scooper so some unsuspecting guest would not step in a steaming pile of dung, and she kept him hopping. I was finally able to return her to her stall to rest and checked on her throughout the day and was happy to report all was well.

The tour officially started at noon but people were arriving before that, so many were enthralled with the chickens, the woman in the green top took way more pictures of them than she did the flowers.
Maybe next year there can be a chicken tour?
Leo and Kathy Hupke checking out the chicken coop, they were so complimentary about everything. They just thought we had the nicest place here, and we tend to agree.
Monica and Betty and, who the heck is that grey haired woman?? Ye Gads, that's me!!!
The porch swing is always a popular place, plus we have the most unique stand for it, an old engine hoist cut down to size and sunk in cement.
Everyone is amazed that the cats don't go after the fish, Simone is drinking and they swim right up to her in case she has some food for them.
Bruce and Peter hamming it up by the pond.
It was an exhausting day for the dogs, you can only greet so many people before you need a nap.
I walked around Sunday morning snapping some pics, the pond is beautiful, worth all the work of re-doing it.
I absolutely love the new rock water fall, so much better than the hokey plastic one.
Of course the water lilies waited till Sunday to bloom, party poopers.
This is my Mom hanging out in the garden. I found her in Long Prairie, MN, she looked just like my Mom so brought her home and hung her in Mom's garden, I'm not sure she ever appreciated her. When Mom died, I got her back and she seems very happy out there among the hollyhocks.
What better flowers to plant than Cocks comb in a chicken feeder by the chicken house?
My little peeping guy checking out the lilies.
A baby buggy frame combined with a baby bathtub out of Leo's shop.
Kim made me this very cool succulent frame to hang on the garden fence.
The old farm cart filled to overflowing with colorful annuals. I've only had it about 3 years and always envisioned it would look like this - but I was too cheap to spend the money. I was afraid I wouldn't have much blooming so went to Rhoadside and spent the big bucks and I'm not sorry a bit. Now I am hooked.
An old ladder decorated with watering cans filled with flowers.
The patio filled with more colorful containers, note the tea cup made out of tires in the back ground. Bryan and Laura Petersen made it for me last year, they said it was one of a kind because they broke so many reciprocating saw blades.
Mollie is still trying to rest up, I know how she feels. Murphy is watching for the people to come again to play with her. She will be disappointed.
And old bike, a calf bucket, I plant anything that stands still. I had a lot of compliments on all my unique containers and people wanted to know where I got them. Little do they know there is a farm full of them next door.
My sister in law, Sue, made me these little birds after I saw some on Pinterest, they are adorable by the pond and everyone was envious of me.
I love window boxes and what better thing to use than a set of old washtubs.
I don't know how many people came, I should have had them sign a book. It was a beautiful day, after everyone left we had a cookout in the back yard. Sue and my other sister, Sara, came and hung out for the day. My good friend, Kim, who was so helpful getting the gardens ready, she came after work and weeded, helped me figure out the waterfall, arranged containers and brought some from her house that morning, was here with her mother in law and friend, Becky, showed up. Sue made 'Bob Dogs' and I flipped burgers, Rosanne brought the most decadent cheesecake with homemade cherry topping. I ate the last two pieces, Burp! A little later friends, Delmer and Cindy, showed up so we threw some more meat on the grill for them. It was such a fun day!!
I always wanted to be on the garden tour when they used to have it every year in Cherokee but by the time I was ready, they quit doing it. So I guess you could say I have filled one of my bucket list wishes, it was a lot of work but so worth it.
I might consider doing it again, in a year, or two, or three.....let me sleep on it.